Keep Your Damn Government Hands Off My Medicine!


 Keep Your Damn Government Hands Off My Medicine!

Elderly Have a Right To The Cannabis Cure For What Ails Them


by Arlington Stone


Did you know that the U.S. Federal Government holds a legally binding patent on a medical discovery involving the therapeutic application of cannabis (marijuana) to treat the a host of ailments affecting America’s 37 Million senior citizens? While this may sound like an outrageous lie, it is indeed true… but outrageous nonetheless. On October 7th, 2003 The People of The United States Of America (as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services) were issued Patent 6630507 called “Cannabanoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants.”


Simply stated, that means that our own government researchers have found definitive proof of a new way to treat Senior Citizens for many of the painful and life threatening ailments that they contend with on a daily basis. The findings note that the cannabis cure is particularly effective in treating diseases where poor blood flow or inflammation is the root problem. Arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, Crohn’s disease, cataract formation, emphysema, and gastric ulcers are just a few of the applications specifically listed on this official, government-acknowledged discovery! Even complications arising from diabetes, heart attack and stroke can be treated! Plus, it says that these cannabanoids are also useful in “preventing, arresting, or treating neurological damage in Parkinson’s disease (and) Alzheimer’s disease.”


So why hasn’t this discovery been on the nightly news, and on your pharmacist’s shelf? I can answer that question in in five simple words:


Stubborn bureaucrats and frightened politicians.


It is NOT your doctor or the scientists saying “No! Stop!!!”. It is the Federal FAT CATS who are holding you back. Why? The bureaucrats have encountered a legal impasse where this current legal determination (circa 2003) states that this discovery is 100% legitimate and true, but older laws say that this same cannabis will “release all of the anti-social (i.e. violent) inhibitions of the user” (Brien McMahon, Asst. U.S. Atty. Gen. – circa 1937). And according to Frank H. Patton, the Atty. Gen. Of New Mexico in 1937, “Incurable insanity is the frequent end of marihuana smokers.”


21st century discoveries are being held back by silly beliefs and flat-out lies from the 1930s. Now, I would imagine ANY senior citizen worth his or her salt can draw upon a lifetime of hard-earned wisdom, and rightfully declare “bullshit” when they hear it. But why can’t the bureaucrats? And the reason seems to be that the politicians are afraid of YOU!


Senior Citizens VOTE, and the general perception is that seniors are stuck in a time bubble of outdated opinions. Politicians seem to think that 21st century seniors are unable to have reasonable opinions about medical marijuana. It us up to today’s seniors to tell them otherwise, and to get their frightened little fingers off of your medical options!


That 2003 patent is an undeniable problem for the 40-year old “Schedule 1” status that declares marijuana to have “no currently accepted medical use,” which it now obviously does! Since the United States Patent Office doesn’t hand out patents like casual Cracker Jack prizes, one must take stock in the fact that this legal determination of usefulness has merit. It is legitimate; based wholly upon clinical scientific analysis; and was found to be of such grandiose importance, that a patent was issued in the name of THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The last time I checked, the American government doesn’t take that “We The People” stuff very lightly either.


Unlike any other medicine known to man, short of the naturally sourced vitamins in our food, cannabis works extremely well in its raw, unrefined state. There are two distinctive medicines in cannabis: THC and CBD. Each individual plant usually has a high amount of one versus trace amounts of the other, depending on the type of plant. Simply ingesting the active parts of the plant, by way of eating, smoking or vaporizing, seems the best way to access THC’s curative properties. A synthesized version of THC in pill form, such as the pharmaceutical drug Marinol (intended primarily to treat nausea) met with limited success and produced. problematic side effects.


CBD, on the other hand is particularly viable in its most unrefined state and best obtained by rendering the plant down to its essential oils, and then administered orally in a few drops. It’s kind of like the difference between eating a peanut vs peanut oil – there just isn’t much processing needed to achieve the finished product. The raw materials are so perfectly attuned to our bodies, no further refinement is needed. This makes it a perfect curative for children with seizure disorders. Simply stated, IT JUST PLAIN WORKS. CBD oil will not even make a child feel drowsy, like cough syrup or cold medicine might, they feel NOTHING, other than what it’s like to be normal.


Now, if it safe enough for a child to use, what do you think about the will and ability of a senior citizen to decide for himself or herself? The longer one has lived, gives exponential authority to the one’s right to decide for oneself what best improves the quality of life. Some misinformed “nervous Nellies” who have never met you have no right to restrict your medicinal options. That is between you and your doctor. The science is proven and nearly half of the United States have some form of access to this medicine… so why not YOU?


Call your Governor and Congressman and see if they have an answer that passes the BS test. Because if they tell you that “we just don’t know enough about it,” ask them what the U.S. Patent Office knows that he or she doesn’t. NOW those politicians will REALLY be afraid of you!


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